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[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora

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[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Empty [Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora

Message  Personne Mer 26 Jan - 14:09

[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Vlcsn207
Et le vent apporta la violence

[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Pvlcsn10
Black Killer

Merci à Rex Lee pour les captures. Wink

El desperado (1967)
E Dio disse a Caino (1970)
Black Killer (1971)
Spara Joe... e così sia! (1972)
Un Bounty killer a Trinità (1972)

Carambola (1974) sous le nom de Michael Coby
Carambola, filotto... tutti in buca (1975) sous le nom de Michael Coby
Noi non siamo angeli (1976) sous le nom de Michael Coby

[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Cinemascope
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6994
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 55
Localisation : Lone Pine, CA

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[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Empty Re: [Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora

Message  Personne Mer 26 Jan - 14:12

Avec Paul Smith, il format un duo qui joua sur la ressemblance avec la paire Hill/Spencer.

[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Tks20for20the20add
By Personne

[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Cinemascope
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6994
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 55
Localisation : Lone Pine, CA

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[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Empty Re: [Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora

Message  Cimetière Jeu 27 Jan - 9:55

Lorsque j'ai vu une première photo de l'affiche du film, j'ai tout de suite reconnu le duo Hill/Spencer jusqu'à ce que le livre de Giré me remette dans le droit chemin de la connaissance. En tout cas, pour la ressemblance c'est gagné, je me suis fait avoir ! Laughing Surprised
Léon Klimosky

Messages : 131
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2010
Age : 30
Localisation : A l'ouest...

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[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Empty Re: [Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora

Message  hugues Jeu 27 Jan - 12:52

On peux détester la démarche de faire des faux trinita avec des clones. Ceci dit, c'était pas si mal, supérieur en tout cas à beaucoup de westerns fayots (Plusieurs films avec Baldi ou Parolini)

Cantafora s'en tire bien dans cet exercice, à mon sens mieux que Paul Smith (qui a pourtant une plus belle carrière)
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 348
Date d'inscription : 12/04/2010

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[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Empty Re: [Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora

Message  JO Lun 21 Nov - 12:16

Smith et Coby ont fait l' objet d 'un (d')article(s?) et d'entretien dans la presse italienne, je viens de mettre la main dessus (1974).

Tout prochainement (courant 2012), en grand écran, sur :


(L'avancée en âge fait que l'on a l'esprit plus libre pour s'occuper et s'investir de/dans ce genre de chosestrès très futiles... Wink

Sergio Leone

Messages : 4203
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2010

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[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Empty Re: [Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora

Message  JO Dim 10 Juin - 11:04

Ici Wink :


Sergio Leone

Messages : 4203
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2010

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[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Empty RIP Antonio Cantafora (1944 - 2024)

Message  Tom Betts Dim 21 Avr - 17:09

April 20, 2024

Antonio Cantafora, actor and painter from Crotone, died in Rome
He was 80 years old. Message of condolence from Mayor Voce on behalf of the Municipal Administration and the city to the family

Antonio Cantafora died in Rome at the age of 80. Actor, well known in the seventies with the stage name Michael Coby used to shoot his first Italian-style western films, was born in Crotone on February 2, 1944. He emigrated to Rome and studied acting with Alessandro Fersen. He worked as a model for photonovels, before making his film debut in 1967 with Franco Rossetti's El desperado; in the same year he filmed Il magnaccio by Franco De Rosis, with Marlisa Brandi and Franco Citti.

Thanks to his resemblance to the actor Terence Hill, in the seventies he played the role of the handsome man paired with the American actor Paul L. Smith, the heavy, in a series of films inspired by those of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill; the two are remembered as Simone and Matteo, from the names of the characters played on the set.

After the parenthesis of the clones, he continued his film career mainly as a character actor, working with directors of the caliber of Fellini, Skolimowski, Barreto, Lattuada and Bolognini. In 1979 he was Supersonic Man in Juan Piquer's film Simon. He co-starred with Joan Collins in The Bitch and with Marcello Mastroianni in Fellini's Gabriela (1983) and Intervista (1987).

He was the corporal in the film The Courage to Speak (1987) based on the book by Gina Basso which was set in Crotone. Among the most famous films he has taken on in his long film career is Giovanni Falcone by Giuseppe Ferrara, from 1993, in which he plays the role of Cosa Nostra mafioso Salvatore 'Totuccio' Inzirillo.

In 2018 one of his last appearances in the comedy One of the Family. She was part of the cast of the fiction Elisa di Rivombrosa in 2003-2004.

Brother of the archaeodiver Gino who died ten years ago, as well as son of the author of the painting of the Madonna di Capo Colonna in the votive chapel in Piazza Umberto I, Antonio Cantafora was also a painter; he has made hundreds of paintings for the cinema commissioned by Twenty Century Fox.

Mayor Vincenzo Voce addressed a message to the family: "We learn of the passing of Antonio Cantafora. Our fellow citizen, he was an appreciated film and television actor. Despite being far from Crotone, he has never broken his bond with the city. I express my personal condolences to the family, the administration and the Crotone community."

"He brought Cinecittà to Crotone: I remember him in the early '70s walking in front of the Naval League with a beautiful Agostina Belli," reads one of the many messages posted on Facebook at the news of his death.

Tom Betts
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 328
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010

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[Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora Empty Re: [Vedette] Michael Coby alias Antonio Cantafora

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