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[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè

4 participants

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[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Empty [ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè

Message  Rex Lee Mar 27 Avr - 16:41

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Dernie15

Acteur italien. 1933 - 1994

Quatre chefs-d'oeuvres à son palmarès :

(capture ci-dessus)

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Vlcs1974

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Vlcs1975
Pour une poignée de dollars

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè 471px-10
[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Dollar13

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè 800px-21

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè 800px-22
El Chuncho

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè 22802511
Le dernier face à face

Hors western:

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè 032bjv10

Dernière édition par Rex Lee le Lun 23 Avr - 17:15, édité 1 fois
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6438
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè

Message  Personne Mar 27 Avr - 19:33

Son site: http://www.gianmariavolonte.it/

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Cinemascope
Sergio Leone

Messages : 7061
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 56
Localisation : Lone Pine, CA

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[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè

Message  Rex Lee Ven 24 Nov - 19:56

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè S-l16020

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6438
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè

Message  Sitting Bull Sam 25 Nov - 12:28

Le titre de la photo pourrait prêter à confusion... Very Happy
Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull
Sergio Leone

Messages : 1145
Date d'inscription : 05/10/2010
Age : 87
Localisation : La forêt landaise

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[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè

Message  Rex Lee Dim 25 Nov - 7:09

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Vlcsn101

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Vlcsn102
La Bataille de Naples (1962)

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè S-l16079

[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6438
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Empty Gian Maria Volonte (1933 - 1994)

Message  Tom Betts Dim 11 Aoû - 18:19


Gian Maria Volonte; Actor in Theater, Spaghetti Westerns

ROME- Italian actor Gian Maria Volonte, whose roles ranged from Shakespeare to the bad guy in the spaghetti western “A Fistful of Dollars,” has died at age 61.
Volonte, who acted in more than 40 films in a 34-year career, was found dead Tuesday in his hotel room in the northern Grek town of Florina, where he was to appear in “The Gaze of Ulysses” by Greek director Theodoros Angelopoulos.
Italian news reports said Volonte was believed to have suffered a heart attack.

“The world, not just Italy, has lost a great actor.” said director Francesco Rosi, in whose films “The Mattei Affair” (1972), “Lucky Luciano” (1973) and “Christ Stopped at Eboli” (1979) Volonte played leading roles.
Volonte, born into a middle-class Milan family in 1933, attended Rome’s National School of Dramatic Art and made his theater debut in Shakespear’s “Romeo and Juliet” in 1959.
A year later he made his first film appearance with a small part in Duilio Coletti’s “Under Ten Flags.”

But his first major film role was in 1963’s “A Man to Burn” by Valentino Orsini and Paolo and Vittorio Taviani.

A militant left-winger, Volonte took part in protests during the 1960s and 1970s and served briefly in parliament for the Communist Party.

So it came as no surprise that his greatest award, the 1987 Silver Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival, was for a political film, “The Moro Affair”, in which he played Aldo Moro, the Italian Christian Democrat former prime minister kidnapped and killed by left wing guerillas in 1978.

He also won the best actor award at the Cannes Film Festival in 1983 for his role in “The Death of Mario Ricci.”

Volonte made his name outside of Italy in the 1960s as the bad guy in Sergio Leone’s spaghetti Westerns “A Fistful of Dollars” and “For a Few Dollars More.”

Tom Betts
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 340
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010

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[ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Gian Maria Volontè

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