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[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia

4 participants

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[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Empty [Second rôle] Rick Battaglia

Message  Rex Lee Ven 16 Avr - 6:21

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia D_0512

Né en Italie en 1927.
Il est dans les westerns suivants:

Les cavaliers rouges
Freddy und Lied der Prarie
Les mercenaires du Rio Grande
Viva Gringo
Winnetou III : La piste des desperados
Tonnerre sur la frontière
Black Jack
Winnetou und Shatterhand im Tal der Toten
Ringo ne devait pas mourir
Tire, Django, tire!

Killer Amigo
Il était une fois la révolution
L'appel de la forêt
La longue chevauchée de la vengeance
Un génie, deux associés, une cloche

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia 18502510
Black Jack

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Battag10
Killer Amigo

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Tonner11
Tonnerre sur la frontière

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia I_282511
Les mercenaires du Rio Grande

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia N4222710
Winnetou III: La piste des desperados

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Vlcs2505
Ringo ne devait pas mourir

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia 24335710
Le dernier Winnetou (1968), inédit en France, avec Karin Dor.

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Winnet11
Tonnerre sur la frontière

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Vlcsn108
La longue chevauchée de la vengeance...rôle recyclé dans I sette del gruppo selvaggio.

Hors western:

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia 20546610
Débuts en 1954 dans La fille du fleuve avec Sophia Loren

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Esther12
Esther et le Roi (1960) avec Joan Collins.

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Vlcsna19
Sandokan, le tigre de Bornéo (1963)

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Au_pay10
Au pays des Skipetars (1964) avec Marie Versini.

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Fille-10
La fille du fleuve (1954) avec Gérard Oury.

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Vlcsn205
Jules César, conquérant de la Gaule (1962)

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Vlcsn496
Il giorno piu corto (1963)

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Vlcsn293
Le Flibustier des Caraïbes (1965) dont il est la vedette.

Dernière édition par Rex Lee le Ven 17 Juil - 6:46, édité 7 fois
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6414
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Empty Re: [Second rôle] Rick Battaglia

Message  Rex Lee Mar 8 Fév - 20:09

J'espère que cette coupure de presse a sa place ici...De quoi est-il question?...

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia U_bmp10

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6414
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Empty Re: [Second rôle] Rick Battaglia

Message  Personne Mar 8 Fév - 20:18

J'imagine que c'est une bio d'époque! Pour moi c'est nickel! Very Happy

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Cinemascope
Sergio Leone

Messages : 7013
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 56
Localisation : Lone Pine, CA

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[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Empty Re: [Second rôle] Rick Battaglia

Message  Richards Ven 21 Nov - 20:38

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Vlcsna15

Les amants d'outre-tombe. 1965. Mario Caiano.
Sergio Corbucci

Messages : 960
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2012

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[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Empty RIP Rik Battaglia

Message  Tom Betts Dim 5 Avr - 1:31

Rik Battaglia aka Rick Battaglia whose real name was Caterino Bertaglia was born in Corbola, Rovigo, Italy on February 18, 1927 and died of heart failure in his home town of Corbola, Rovigo, Italy on March 27, 2015.

Tom Betts
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010

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[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Empty Re: [Second rôle] Rick Battaglia

Message  Rex Lee Mer 19 Fév - 7:56

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Vlcsn549
Sodome et Gomorrhe (1962)

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6414
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Empty RIP Rik Battaglia (1927 - 2015)

Message  Tom Betts Mer 19 Fév - 20:40

Addio to Rik Battaglia: from Soldiers to Leo, a life for cinema

He was 88 years old. He made his debut in 1955 alongside Sophia Loren in "The woman of the river", noticed by Mario Soldati as a bartender

la Repubblica
March 28, 2015

ROVIGO - The former actor Rik Battaglia, also known as Rick Austin and Riccardo Battaglia, died at his home in Corbola, in the province of Rovigo where he was born 88 years ago, while at the registry office he was Caterino Bertaglia. Between the fifties and the nineties he took part in more than 100 films between cinema and television, many as the main protagonist, working in Italy, the United States and Germany.

Battaglia arrived at the cinema by accident, and stayed there for a lifetime. Fortune smiled on him with the face of Mario Soldati who one day noticed him at his workplace: Battaglia was a bartender at the Agip Restaurant in Milan, and the director, who is preparing La donna del fiume, offered him the role of the protagonist, next to Sophia Loren. After that film Battaglia attended the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome for two years where he graduated. In 1959 she starred in the film Caterina Sforza, the lioness of Romagna, by Giorgio Walter Chili.

At the end of the fifties his face became popular among the many peplum and historical costume films that in those days were the most popular, always in important roles, then shuttled between different genres, passing casually from western to espionage to movies of action and adventure. Among his best known appearances, there is Sergio Leone's Duck You Sucker and The Genius with Terence Hill and Bud Spencer in 1975, repeating the companion character a few years later in Bomber.

Battaglia knew the cinema of the great masters, above all Sergio Leone, of whom he was also a friend. But Rick Battaglia's cinema was also that of the great Hollywood stars: Esther Williams, Liza Minnelli. Nina (1976), the latest film by the great Vincente Minnelli, shoots with the latter. In the entertainment and culture environment, Battaglia becomes one of the favorites. He knows and attends great writers and writers, such as Moravia, Pasolini, Flaiano.


Tom Betts
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010

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[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Empty Re: [Second rôle] Rick Battaglia

Message  Rex Lee Jeu 13 Mai - 18:22

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Vlcs1141
La Muraille de feu (1957)

[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6414
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[Second rôle] Rick Battaglia Empty Re: [Second rôle] Rick Battaglia

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