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Message  JO Ven 30 Mar - 16:26





Ces superbes photographies des habitats troglodytes de la région d' Almeria, 1925, de Kurt Hielscher, ont été mises aux enchères récemment (sans succès).

Merci au généreux vendeur qui a mis en ligne ses magnifiques reproductions sans aucun marquage empêchant de les apprécier pleinement.

Je copie-colle la description donnée par le vendeur:

This is an original 1925 photogravure of cave dwellings in the province of Almer’a, Spain. Photograph by Kurt Hielscher. (Please note that there is printing on the reverse.)

Period Paper is pleased to offer an exceptional collection of historic original photogravures of the architecture, landscape, and people of Spain. The actual border around the photogravure is larger than what is shown in the digital image and each image usually has a caption in Spanish, English, French, Italian, and German, which will be included with the item when shipped. However, we wanted to show you the actual image up close and the dimensions provided next to the "Size" above indicate the size of the actual photogravure only. The total size is approximately two inches larger in width and height. These original photogravures are not to be confused with the more common halftone prints. Each of these photogravures was created from an engraved plate and provides exceptional detail, contrast, warmth, and depth, making them excellent original images for framing.

The Photogravure Process. A photogravure is a photographic image produced from an engraving plate--an expensive and rarely used process today. Through the transfer of etching ink from an etched copperplate to special dampened paper run through an etching press, this process creates an image that registers an extraordinary variety of tones. This unique tonal range comes from photogravure's variable depth of etch--the shadows are etched many times deeper than the highlights unlike the halftone processes that merely vary dot size. The prints produced via this process have the subtle tones of a photograph and the art quality of a lithograph, making them extraordinarily collectible items.


Sergio Leone

Messages : 4203
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2010

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