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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant.

Tom Betts
Rex Lee
7 participants

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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Empty [ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant.

Message  Rex Lee Sam 20 Nov - 10:34

[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Gs_110

Cet acteur français, qu'il est inutile de présenter, est né en 1930.
Il n'a qu'un seul western à son actif:

Le Grand Silence

[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Vlcsn696

[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Vlcsn697

Hors western, mais en Italie où il a beaucoup tourné:

[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Vlcsna37
Le Fanfaron. 1962.

[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Vlcsn699
La Matriarca. 1968.

[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Vlcsn732
La Mort a pondu un œuf. 1968.

[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Snapsh37
Metti, una sera a cena. 1969.

[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Vlcsn700
Si douces, si perverses. 1969.

[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Critiq15
Le Conformiste. 1970.

[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6411
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant.

Message  old timer Ven 17 Juin - 19:10

Il nous a quittés aujourd'hui après une vie bien remplie et une carrière remarquable. Dont beaucoup de films sont encore méconnus.

...le dernier que j'ai découvert, c'était il y a une semaine à la télé sur LCP : "le mouton enragé" (1973) de Michel Deville, uns satire au vitriol de la vie des grands bourgeois parisiens avec Romy Schneider, Jane Birkin toute jeune encore, et plein d'autres gueules des années 70... Un vrai trip nostalgique!

old timer
Sergio Leone

Messages : 1885
Date d'inscription : 20/05/2010

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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant.

Message  cyberpunk Sam 18 Juin - 12:35

Il aimait pas beaucoup LE GRAND SILENCE 😔
Sergio Leone

Messages : 2969
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2010
Age : 58

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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Empty RIP Jean-Louis Trintignant (1930 - 2022)

Message  Tom Betts Sam 18 Juin - 16:58


Jean-Louis Trintignant: an actor of charisma, depth and dark emotions
The French veteran, who starred in some of the finest new wave films and won the best actor César for the end-of-life drama Amour, has died aged 91

Jean-Louis Trintignant had a long and distinguished career on stage and screen, but his cinema presence was never stronger or fiercer than in old age. In later characterisations he projected with renewed force a natural keen intelligence, an uningratiating manner and air of being politely, or not so politely, disgusted with the moral vacuities and hypocrisy of everything around him, together with his own tragic and passionate sense of loss.
All of these themes were present in the role which was arguably his greatest: Georges, the elderly retired music teacher in Michael Haneke’s Amour, whose wife Anne (unforgettably played by Emmanuelle Riva) suffers a stroke, and having promised he would never put her in a home, Georges looks after her as best he can in their Paris apartment while her condition deteriorates. Georges’s anguish and his desperately perceived new love for his wife in this terrible new twilight comes across most shockingly in his astonishment and panic at the first sinister symptom – which perhaps owes more to Haneke’s dark imagination than strict clinical accuracy – when Anne appears mysteriously to “freeze” in the kitchen one morning and then come back to life after he has briefly and frantically run out of the room on a pointless mission to get a towel. She has no memory of this uncanny blackout, and Georges yells at poor Anne. Is this her idea of a joke (“une plaisantérie”)? But of course Trintignant shows us that Georges is well aware from the outset that it is not.
Trintignant brilliantly conveys Georges’s all-encompassing fear and anger at the world and at himself: his anger that Anne should be put in a situation that he can do nothing about and which he will finally have to take terrible steps to end. Trintignant’s final speech, when he starts musing about his own boyhood, is an attempt to distract Anne, and himself, from the horrible thing he must now do. I can never remember this brilliant movie without also recalling the great interview that Trintignant and Riva gave jointly to the Guardian’s Xan Brooks when the film was released. Trintignant concluded it by sharply dismissing the idea that to love life is to love cinema: “If you love life, you’re not going to go and sit in the dark in some cinema, are you? Why would you want to do that? Go and live your life instead!” A hilarious, studied sacrilege in the face of cinephilia.
Trintignant’s spiky, scratchy presence, watchably coexisting with his athletic handsomeness as a young man, first emerged in Roger Vadim’s And God Created Woman in 1956, in which it was his destiny, like the rest of the cast, to be upstaged by the emerging superstar Brigitte Bardot who was being ruthlessly marketed as a sex kitten. Trintignant plays the grumpy, uncool young man who marries Bardot’s free-spirited young character, only for her to have sex with other people. But perhaps because Trintingant was not trying to compete with Bardot in terms of sexiness or coolness, he still managed to make an impression. He had a sexier role in Claude Lelouch’s huge 1966 hit A Man and a Woman, where he plays a daredevil racing-car driver – two of his uncles were racers, and Trintignant was always passionate about the sport – whose wife has taken her own life. He meets a beautiful widow (Anouk Aimée) because their children are at the same boarding school, and the movie episodically shows us scenes from their new relationship. Trintignant revived this character in the movie’s two sequels, progressively showing the characters in their later lives, showing great and – for me – slightly mystifying loyalty to a film that has not aged particularly well.
More interesting, and closer to the difficult and intractable persona that Trintignant was beginning to cultivate on screen, was his appearance in Eric Rohmer’s My Night With Maud (1969). In the film, his intense and sobersided character, having fallen in love from afar with a beautiful young woman with whom he has not so much as exchanged a single word, finds himself constrained to resist the sexual attentions of a hugely desirable divorcee called Maud (Françoise Fabian). On seeing that he is determined not to go to bed with her, she tolerantly calls him an idiot – and it is a very Trintignant moment: he is difficult, thwarted, angry, principled, in the midst of a situation he cannot really control.
In 1970, Trintignant found one of his greatest roles in which he was superbly cast, as Clerici in Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Conformist, in which he plays a wealthy young man whose homosexuality has been suppressed, along with the childhood memory of attempted sexual molestation. Desperate to fit in, to conform, he joins the Mussolini fascists, and to prove his loyalty to them, sets out to assassinate a prominent anti-fascist academic who was his doctoral supervisor at university. Trintignant is very good at showing the darker, unhappy, unsexy side of sex: how sex can be debasing and humiliating, especially when you have no way of rationalising and controlling its effect on you, and how this pressure has a dysfunctional consequence, which in this case is fascism.
Some of these ideas returned in Trintignant’s great late-life role: the judge Joseph Kern in Kieslowski’s Three Colours Red in 1994, a gloweringly charismatic and alienated character that prefigured his Georges for Haneke. He is a figure that broods almost like a hallucination in the life of its heroine, played by Irène Jacob, and who has a secret: compulsive eavesdropping on his neighbours’ sexual lives, while musing on whether our actions truly can ever make a difference to other people’s real natures. It is an intriguing part for Trintignant, and he brings to it a sort of ancient mariner quality, together with something more disturbing. Yet it is probably not as strong as his Georges, because of its streak of bizarreness.
Trintignant brought intellectual strength and sinew to French cinema, and a dark surge of passion.

Tom Betts
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010

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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant.

Message  Klondike Dim 19 Juin - 12:49

Il y a certainement comme une espèce d’ironie de la part de Corbucci d’avoir fait fait jouer le rôle de Silence par Trintignant réputé pour son timbre de voix si caractéristique et sa diction qui donnaient le frisson…

« Le silence et puis sa voix. Qui tinte, se fait clairement entendre, mais sans bruit, comme si elle prolongeait le silence. Cette caresse vibrante, c’est peut-être ce qu’on aimait le plus chez Jean-Louis Trintignant… »
Jacques Morice. (Télérama)

Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2022
Localisation : Saloon du soleil levant, porte de la Plaine, de l’autre côté du périph.

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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant.

Message  cyberpunk Dim 19 Juin - 13:03

Je me souviens de lui dans "Paris brûle t' il ?" ,il interprète un collabo terrifiant qui fait arrêter des étudiants et qui se font fusiller au Bois de Boulogne Crying or Very sad
Sergio Leone

Messages : 2969
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2010
Age : 58

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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant.

Message  old timer Dim 19 Juin - 13:26

cyberpunk a écrit:Il aimait pas beaucoup LE GRAND SILENCE 😔
A une certaine époque, c'était vrai, mais plus récemment il me semble que des gens lui avaient un peu ouvert les yeux sur l'importance de ce film, sa réussite artistique, sa trace dans l'histoire du genre etc... (je ne sais plus dans quel livre j'ai pu lire ça mais j'en suis sûr)

old timer
Sergio Leone

Messages : 1885
Date d'inscription : 20/05/2010

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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant.

Message  Sancho Perez Dim 19 Juin - 16:34

Voici ce qu'a écrit Indianagilles sur son Facebook :
"Notre bon Jean-Louis Trintignant nous a quitté aujourd'hui à 91 ans.
Je ne suis pas un chasseur d'autographes, mais il y a quelques années mon ex s'était arrangée pour lui faire signer le DVD de "Le grand silence", un film que j'adore.
Il avait été ravi qu'on lui fasse signer ce film, car c'était un film qu'il aimait beaucoup et qui ne lui rappelait que des bons souvenirs. Comme il était déjà âgé et très fatigué, il avait du mal à écrire, il avait donc dû emporter le DVD pour le signer tranquillement chez lui. Quelque part, vu son état de santé, on se demandait presque s'il ne s'agissait pas de son dernier autographe, surtout que le meurtrier de sa fille venait d'être relâché et que ça lui avait mis un gros coup au moral. Mais il est encore resté avec durant durant quelques années.
Je vous partage aujourd'hui ce beau cadeau. Merci à vous M. Trintignant, reposez en paix."
Sancho Perez
Sancho Perez
Sergio Sollima

Messages : 629
Date d'inscription : 01/04/2012

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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant.

Message  Klondike Dim 19 Juin - 17:50

C’était un homme rare, d’une très grande élégance. Autant à l’écran qu’à la ville.
Pour moi, c’était surtout Jean-Louis, l’ingénieur de Ma Nuit chez Maude

Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2022
Localisation : Saloon du soleil levant, porte de la Plaine, de l’autre côté du périph.

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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant.

Message  Trinita Dim 19 Juin - 20:17

Triste nouvelle.
Un acteur que je connaissais peu mais dont le rôle de Silence m'a marqué à vie.

Mieux vos être mort et cool que mort et pas cool (Mickey Rourke dans Harley Davidson & l'homme aux santiags)
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6641
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 41
Localisation : Angers

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[ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant. Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Jean-Louis Trintignant.

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