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Introducing Acombar

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Introducing Acombar Empty Introducing Acombar

Message  Acombar Mer 20 Avr - 4:52

Greetings everyone. I am 50 years old, from the US and work in the automotive industry.

I have a great love for Italian westerns and have some how come upon this site and all of it's wonderful information so I decided to sign up. I hope to find like minded people here and increase my knowledge of genre films. My main interest are Italian genre films 60's - 80's with westerns, gialli, poliziotteschi, horror and adventure being my favorites. I collect VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray, vinyl soundtracks and posters of many of my favorites.
I've already done some reading here and it seems exciting, as I haven't come across any other forums specializing in these genres or film.

Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2022

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Introducing Acombar Empty Re: Introducing Acombar

Message  Edocle Mer 20 Avr - 7:03

Welcome to this forum Very Happy Very Happy

Introducing Acombar Titanu10Introducing Acombar Mini10
Sergio Leone

Messages : 3743
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 78
Localisation : 92 Spaghetti Ville

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Introducing Acombar Empty Re: Introducing Acombar

Message  Personne Mer 20 Avr - 10:20

Welcome Acombar. Wishing you great discovery here! Very Happy

Introducing Acombar Cinemascope
Sergio Leone

Messages : 7054
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 56
Localisation : Lone Pine, CA

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