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[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre

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[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Empty [Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre

Message  Rex Lee Jeu 15 Avr - 7:48

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Raf_ba10

RAF BALDASSARRE, alias Ralph Baldwyn.

Cet acteur italien(1932-1995)
est dans les westerns suivants:

Trois cavaliers noirs
L'ombre de Zorro
La griffe du Coyote
Django le proscrit
Les 7 du Texas
7 heures de feu
Viva Gringo
Dans les mains du pistolero
Le massacre d'Hudson River
4 hommes à abattre
Seul contre tous
Un dollar entre les dents
El Rojo

Un homme, un cheval, un pistolet
Un colt et le Diable
Le grand silence
El mercenario
Les pistoleros du Nevada
Pistolets pour un massacre
Gringo joue et gagne

Arizona se déchaîne
Et Sabata les tua tous
Killer amigo
Gringo, les aigles creusent ta tombe
Le jour du jugement
Les 4 pistoleros de Santa Trinita
Creuse ta fosse Garringo, Sabata revient
Tu seras la proie des vautours
Il n' y a plus de saints au Texas
Lo straniero di silenzio
Pendez-le par les pieds

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Vlcsn621
L'ombre de Zorro

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Antes_10
Les 7 du Texas

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Vlcsn507
Seul contre tous

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Vlcs2610
Un homme, un cheval, un pistolet

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Pdvd_214
Gringo joue et gagne

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Vlcsna32
El Mercenario

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Vlcsn622
Arizona se déchaîne

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Vlcsn134

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Creuse10
Creuse ta fosse Garringo, Sabata revient

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Vlcsn623
Le jour du jugement

Hors western:

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Vlcsn624
Salammbô (1959)

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Vlcsn618
L'esclave de Rome (1961)

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Vlcsn135
Les cavaliers sans peur (1963, rôle principal)

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Raf_ba10
La moglie in bianco (1982)

Dernière édition par Rex Lee le Mar 30 Juil - 9:31, édité 8 fois
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6411
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Empty Re: [Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre

Message  Tom Betts Mar 4 Jan - 19:24

Here is what I have on Raf Balassarre. Use what you want.

Raffaele Baldassarre was born on January 17, 1932 in Rome, Italy. The tall, slim athletic actor became a well recognized figure in sword and sandal films, westerns and mercenary films. He never rose above the ranks of supporting actor with secondary roles but he was a fan favorite even when he played evil villains. As was the fashion of the period he used several pseudonyms such as Ralph Bladwyn, Ralph Baldasarre and Raf Baldwyn. Raf appeared in over 90 films during his career which started with his first appearance in 1957's “Pirate of the Half Moon” directed by Giuseppe Scotese and starring John Derek until his last appearance in “La avventure dell’incredible Ercole” starring Lou Ferrigno and directed by Luigi Cozzi in 1985. Baldassarre was known to have a gentle disposition and a great sense of humor. He was good friends with Tony Anthony who used him in all of his westerns. Later in his career Baldassare moved to Otranto, Italy where he and his brothers basically owned several businesses and ran the town. Raf became a producer and one of the last ventures he was involved with was narrating a documentary about Pope John Paul II’s visit to Ontranto in 1980. Among his films were over 35 westerns where he usually played slimy Mexicans and outlaw gang members. He’s probably best remembered as the Mexican General who Tony Anthony saves in “Blindman” (1971). But also had supporting roles in such classics as “Fistful of Dollars” (1964), “El Rojo” (1967), “The Mercenary” and “The Great Silence” both in 1968, “Drummer of Vengeance” (1971) and “Get Mean” (1976). The easy-go-lucky actor died in Rome, Italy on January 11, 1995 at the age of 63.

BALDASSARRE, Raf (aka Raf Baldasar, Raf Baldasarre, Ralph Baldasarre, Ralph Baldassar, Ralph Baldassare, Rik Baldassarre, Raf Baldassarri, Raf Baldwin, Raf Baldwyn, Raf Falcone) (Raffaele Baldassarre) [1/17/1932, Giurdignao, Lecce, Italy - 1/11/1995, Rome, Lazio, Italy]
The Shadow of Zorro - 1962 (Chinto) [as Ralph Baldassarre]
The Implacable Three - 1963 (McCoy)
The Sign of the Coyote 1963 (‘One Ear’)
Fistful of Dollars - 1964 (Rojo henchman) [as Ralph Baldwin]
Seven from Texas - 1964 (Jess) [Raf Baldwyn]
Hands of a Gunman - 1965 (Mack) [as Ralph Balwyn]
Legacy of the Incas - 1965 (Geronimo) [as Ralph Baldwin]
Outlaw of Red River - 1965 [as Ralph Baldwyn]
The Relentless Four - 1965 (Moss) [as Ralph Baldwyn]
Seven Hours of Gunfire - 1965 (Guillermo) [Ralph Baldwyn]
The Son of Jesse James - 1965 (Bruce)
Rebels in Canada - 1966 (Metis trapper) [as Ralph Baldwyn]
A Man, a Colt - 1967 (Pedro’s henchman)
El Rojo - 1967 (Ramon) [as Raf Baldwin]
A Stranger in Town - 1967 (Corgo)
The Stranger Returns - 1967 (Chrysler)
Go for Broke - 1968 (Miguel Comaco)
Between God, the Devil and a Winchester - 1968 (Pedro Batch)
Dead Men Don’t Count - 1968 (Gregory Lassiter)
The Great Silence - 1968 (Sanchez/Bob Schultz)
The Mercenary - 1968 (Mateo)
A Pistol for 100 Coffins - 1968 (Verdugo)
The Silent Stranger - 1968 (White-Eue)
The Dead are Countless - 1969 (Damon)
Quinto Fighting Proud - 1969 (stagecoach guard)
Arizona Returns - 1970 (Big Lee) (Raffaele Baldassarre)
Hey Amigo! A Toast to Your Death - 1970 (Chico) [as Raf Baldwin]
The Man Who Cried for Revenge - 1970 (Jack)
Blindman - 1971 (Mexican general)
Dig Your Grave Friend, Sabata’s Coming - 1971 (James Miller/Sabata)
Drummer of Vengeance - 1971 (Jason) [as Ralph Baldassarre]
And the Crows Will Dig Your Grave - 1972
Too Much Gold for One Gringo - 1972
Prey of Vultures - 1973
Get Mean - 1976 (Diego)
The Four Gunmen of the Holy Trinity - 1971 (Parody henchman) [as Ralph Baldwin]
Sartana Kills Them All - 1971 (Fred Burton)

Tom Betts
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010

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[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Empty Re: [Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre

Message  Rex Lee Mer 20 Déc - 20:44

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre 00797013
Pistolets pour un massacre

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6411
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Empty Re: [Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre

Message  Trinita Dim 15 Jan - 11:11

[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Vlcsna89
Les Vikings attaquent

Mieux vos être mort et cool que mort et pas cool (Mickey Rourke dans Harley Davidson & l'homme aux santiags)
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6641
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 41
Localisation : Angers

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[Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre Empty Re: [Second rôle] Raf Baldassarre

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