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[ Second rôle ] John Clark

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty [ Second rôle ] John Clark

Message  Rex Lee Dim 30 Jan - 8:04

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Vlcsna48

Je ne sais rien de cet acteur, si ce n'est qu'il n'a joué que dans des westerns tournés en Espagne, mais uniquement sous la direction de réalisateurs anglo-saxons.
Résidait-il sur place? C'est possible. Allait-on déplacer quelqu'un d'un continent à l'autre pour un rôle de 5 minutes?
Faisait-il partie d'une colonie d'Anglais ou d'Américains?
Inutile d'aller sur IMDb, vous n'y trouverez qu'une filmographie erronée.
Ce dont je suis sûr, c'est qu'il a tourné dans :

Le chemin de l'or
Le triomphe des 7 desperadas
Custer, homme de l'Ouest
L'Ouest en feu
( capture ci-dessus)
Les canons de Cordoba
El Condor
Captain Apache
Les brutes dans la ville

Il est aussi, semble-t-il, dans:
Four rode out ( Cuatro cabalgaron )... mais je ne connais pas ce film.

Dernière édition par Rex Lee le Dim 30 Jan - 14:52, édité 1 fois

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6413
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] John Clark

Message  Personne Dim 30 Jan - 9:44

Donc rien à voir avec Hugo Blanco alias John Clark parfois?

Hugo Blanco

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Cinemascope
Sergio Leone

Messages : 7011
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 56
Localisation : Lone Pine, CA

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] John Clark

Message  Rex Lee Dim 30 Jan - 10:06

Aucun rapport, en effet ! Very Happy Very Happy
Hugo Blanco ne s'est servi de ce pseudonyme de John Clark que pour Django ne pardonne pas.

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6413
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] John Clark

Message  Tom Betts Dim 30 Jan - 19:42

According to Dan van Husen John Clark was an American. Several Americans stayed in Europe or returned to Europe after World War II and became character actors in Italian films during the 1950s and 1960s.

Tom Betts
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] John Clark

Message  Rex Lee Dim 30 Jan - 20:16

Thank you, Tom Betts, for this infomation. Very Happy

[ Second rôle ] John Clark 20624513
Le triomphe des 7 desperadas

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Vlcsn427
L'héritage de la colère (Cuatro cabalgaron)

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Vlcsna21
Pancho Villa

Hors western:
[ Second rôle ] John Clark Vlcsn961
Una bruja sin escoba (1967)

Dernière édition par Rex Lee le Dim 7 Fév - 17:38, édité 1 fois

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6413
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] John Clark

Message  Rex Lee Ven 1 Nov - 19:31

Selon IMDb, il serait né en 1931 dans l'Indiana et décédé le 16 octobre 2019.
IMDb propose cette capture sans en indiquer la provenance:

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Mv5bnj11

Il semblerait que ce soit bien notre homme.
Si Tom Betts pouvait confirmer...

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6413
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] John Clark

Message  Sitting Bull Sam 2 Nov - 1:20

Oui, sous toutes réserves, ce serait bien "John Clarke", ici avec Ida Lupino dans "La quatrième dimension" (série télé - The twilight zone) The sixteen-millimeter shrine (1959).


[ Second rôle ] John Clark John_c10
Dans une autre série de plus de 3000 épisodes "Des jours et des vies" (Days of our lives)
Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull
Sergio Leone

Messages : 1145
Date d'inscription : 05/10/2010
Age : 87
Localisation : La forêt landaise

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] John Clark

Message  Rex Lee Sam 2 Nov - 8:52

Merci pour toutes ces précisions, Sitting Bull! Very Happy

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6413
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty John Clark vs John Clarke

Message  Tom Betts Sam 2 Nov - 19:18

John Clark is a common name in the U.S.A. while Clarke is more common in England (much like Smith (Smithe) and Jones), which makes identifying any actor with that name difficult. I have only one American actor with the name of John Clark in my database.

CLARK, John (aka Jonh Clark) (John R. Clark) [1/18/1933, New Jersey, U.S.A. – 9/9/2011, St. Augustine, Florida, U.S.A. (emphysema)] – film, TV actor, married to Martha Jean Cfiles [1935-2005] (19??-2005).
Finger on the Trigger – 1965 (Chief Numitah)
Django Does Not Forgive - 1966
The Tall Women – 1966 (Colonel Howard)
Custer of the West – 1967 (doctor, saloon patron)
Four Rode Out – 1968 (hotel clerk)
Shalako – 1968 (Hackett)
Villa Rides – 1968 (Elmor)
The Desperados - 1969 (Todd)
El Condor – 1969 (prison guard captain)
Land Raiders – 1969 (Ace)
Cannon for Cordoba – 1970 (Major Wall)
Captain Apache – 1970 (conductor)
Four Rode Out – 1970 (livery stable owner)
Catlow – 1971 (Bob Keleher)
A Town Called Hell – 1971 (quiet American)

My Westerns...All'Italiana article on John Clark https://westernsallitaliana.blogspot.com/2019/09/who-are-those-guys-john-clark.html

As Rex Lee correctly mentioned Spanish actor Hugo Blanco was credited as John Clark in the 1966 film “Django Does Not Forgive” (Django ne pardonne pas) in the role of Peter Lembrock/Django.

Here is the U.S.A. obit for the recently departed John Clarke who was basically a television actor. The photo Rex has provided of him is correct. I leave it up you, the facial experts, to decipher if he is John Clark credited by the IMDb. John Clarke is credited as appering in only one Euro-western by IMDb “Finger on the Trigger” (1965) as Numitah.


John Clarke Dies: ‘Days Of Our Lives’ Actor & Lifetime Achievement Emmy Recipient Was 88

Yahoo Entertainment
By Anita Bennett
October 21, 2019

John “Jack” Shelton Clarke, who won over fans with his portrayal of “Mickey Horton” on Days of Our Lives, has died. He was 88.

Clarke passed away from complications of pneumonia on October 16, in Laguna Beach, a representative for the actor told Deadline Monday. Clarke previously suffered a stroke in 2007 and had been in declining health in the last few years.

The veteran actor worked in film, television and theater, but was most recognized by soap opera fans after 39 years on NBC’s long-running daytime series Days of Our Lives.

In addition to his stint in daytime TV, and two years co-starring with Leslie Nielsen on The New Breed for ABC, Clarke co-starred or had guest roles on such early TV series as Gun Smoke; Have Gun Will Travel; The FBI; Sugarfoot; Death Valley Days; Twilight Zone; Maverick; Wanted Dead or Alive; The Law and Mrs. Jones; and many others.

His motion picture credits included Judgement at Nuremburg; It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World; The Satan Bug; Man Missing; and Burma Patrol

In the theater, Clarke performed as resident leading man in more than 75 plays at the Tenthouse Theater in Chicago. He was resident leading man at the Palm Springs Playhouse for one season, then switched to musical theater, and played various leading roles at the Sacramento Music Circus.

Born in South Bend, Indiana, Clarke attended school wherever his father, an Army officer, was stationed. Rarely remaining at one school for more than a year, a young Clarke finally settled a bit when he attended Staunton Military Academy in Staunton, Virginia. Then came some years at Claremont High School in Claremont, California, his mother’s hometown.

After graduation from the American High School in Tokyo, Japan, he returned to Claremont and attended UCLA where he received his BA in Theater and completed work for his MA in television.

During the Korean War, John served in the Air Force where he kept up his interest in show business as a member of the Air Force Varsitones — a touring troop entertaining military personnel throughout the U.S.

Among the accolades for his TV work, Clarke received an Emmy nomination for Best Daytime Actor, picked up Afternoon TV’s Best Single Performance Award, and in May of 2004 — just after retiring from acting and Days of Our Lives — was awarded an Emmy for Lifetime Achievement.

Above all, family life was most important to Clarke and his wife Patty, those close to him said. The couple raised three children, Joshua, Heidi and Melinda. Joshua works in the Bioscience industry and Melinda followed in her father’s footsteps to pursue a career in Hollywood, including a roles on The O.C., Gotham and The Vampire Diaries. Heidi passed in 1994 from a heart tumor.

Clarke is survived by Patty, Joshua and Melinda, and grandchildren Catherine Grace, Natasha and Jacob.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the Heidi Clarke Scholarship Fund at California Institute of the Arts.

CLARKE, John (John Shelton Clarke)
Born: 4/14/1931, South Bend, Indiana, U.S.A.
Died: 10/16/2019, Laguna Beach, California, U.S.A.

John Clarke’s westerns – actor:
Death Valley Days (TV) – 1959, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968 (Will Skidmore, Mark
    Kellogg, Harlow, Virgil Earp, Bill Crawford, Maurice Dory, Fred Gilmer, Reverend Peter
Gunsmoke (TV) – 1959, 1963 (Tom, Mackle, young man)
Lawman (TV) – 1959, 1960 (cowboy, Chaw, Len Eaton)
Guestward Ho! (TV) – 1960 (Mr. Bennet)
Law of the Plainsman (TV) – 1960 (Deputy Billy Lordan)
Zane Grey Theater (TV) – 1960 (Frank Powers)
Gun Street – 1961 (Deputy Sheriff Sam Freed
(Finger on the Trigger – 1965 (Numitah) ?????
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (TV) – 1993 (Joseph Quinn)

Tom Betts
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] John Clark

Message  Rex Lee Dim 3 Nov - 7:57

Donc, si je comprends bien, la filmographie et les captures sont celles de notre homme. Seules les années de naissance et de décès sont erronées. Ce John Clark-là est né en 1933 et nous a quittés en 2011.

Thank you very much, Tom, for all your explanations. Very Happy

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6413
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty John Clark

Message  Tom Betts Dim 3 Nov - 16:34

Correct Rex. John Clark 1933-2011 is our man.

Tom Betts
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] John Clark

Message  Personne Sam 9 Nov - 19:22

Sitting Bull a écrit:Oui, sous toutes réserves, ce serait bien "John Clarke", ici avec Ida Lupino dans "La quatrième dimension" (série télé - The twilight zone) The sixteen-millimeter shrine (1959).


[ Second rôle ] John Clark John_c10
Dans une autre série de plus de 3000 épisodes "Des jours et des vies" (Days of our lives)

On me signale en MP anonyme que ce John Clark sur la photo n'a pas de fossette! 😉

[ Second rôle ] John Clark Cinemascope
Sergio Leone

Messages : 7011
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 56
Localisation : Lone Pine, CA

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[ Second rôle ] John Clark Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] John Clark

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