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[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin

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[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Empty [ Second rôle ] Luis Marin

Message  Rex Lee Mer 12 Jan - 7:48

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Vlcs2602

Né en Espagne en 1932.

Les 3 épées de Zorro
Le massacre d'Hudson River
Django ne pardonne pas
Garringo ( capture ci-dessus)
Des dollars pour MacGregor
Zorro de Monterrey
Et viva la révolution
Pancho Villa ( 1972; E. Martin)
Cinq pour l'or de Los Quadros

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Django33
Django ne pardonne pas

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Vlcs2591
Des dollars pour MacGregor

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Vlcs2611
Django ne pardonne pas

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Vlcsna21
Zorro de Monterrey

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Vlcsn369
Des dollars pour MacGregor

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Vlcsna77
Et viva la révolution

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Vlcsn463

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Vlcsn464
Cinq pour l'or de Los Quadros

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6477
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 69
Localisation : 19

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[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] Luis Marin

Message  Rex Lee Dim 31 Mar - 7:04

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Vlcsn246
A Ghentar, la mort est facile (1967)

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Marin10
La CIA mène la danse (1966)

[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6477
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 69
Localisation : 19

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[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Empty RIP Luis Marin (1932 - 2022)

Message  Tom Betts Lun 14 Fév - 22:50


Actor and dubbing actor Luis Marín dies, the Spanish voice of Barney and McBain in ‘The Simpsons’

Today in 24

Adoma, the union of dubbing artists from Madrid, announced this February 14 the death of Luis Marín, I’m going from Barney, McBain and many other characters from ‘The Simpsons’.
Marín was born in the capital on January 16, 1932 and began in the world of cinema as an actor in front of the cameras in films such as ‘Los golfos’, ‘Rififí en la ciudad’ or ‘Historias de television’ and also in TV series. carvings of ‘El pícaro’, ‘Curro Jiménez’, ‘Cañas y mud’, ‘Turno de oficio’, ‘El bishop leproso’, ‘El comisario’ or ‘No one lives here’. He also participated in ‘The Strange Journey’ by Fernando Fernán Gómez and the famous ‘The Almería Case’ by Pedro Costa. Endowed with a deep voice, started in dubbing also in the 70’s combining both careers until his retirement from acting in 2007 and his retirement in 2014.
a voice to remember.

In addition to interpreting in Spanish the endearing and alcoholic Barney in ‘The Simpsons’, we have heard Marín in the series Padre Made in USA, Galactica, combat star, ‘Colombo’, ‘The A-team’, ‘The Prince of Bel -Air’, ‘Charmed’, ‘The X Files’, ‘Futurama’, ‘Game of Thrones’, ‘The Sopranos’, ‘McGyver’, ‘South Park’ or ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’. In addition, for an entire generation, his will always be the voice of Lord Zedd from the ‘Power Rangers’ and the Beast from ‘The Trotamúsicos’.

Tom Betts
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 341
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010

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[ Second rôle ] Luis Marin Empty Re: [ Second rôle ] Luis Marin

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