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[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin

Rex Lee
7 participants

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[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Empty [ Vedette ] Ty Hardin

Message  Rex Lee Mer 5 Mai - 5:58

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Hardin10

Acteur américain né en 1930 .

 Ses westerns européens:

ACQUASANTA JOE (Capture ci-dessus)

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin 108h7210
L'homme de la vallée maudite

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Vlcs1484
La Pampa sauvage

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Vlcs1485
Le jour du Jugement

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Vlcs1475
Sei jellato amico, hai incontrato Sacramento

Hors western:

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Small_11
La bataille des Ardennes (1965)

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin 74879710
Aventures australes (Série TV, 1969)

Dernière édition par Rex Lee le Lun 19 Mai - 6:38, édité 6 fois
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6438
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Ty Hardin

Message  Sartana Jeu 20 Mai - 7:21

Un seul western à voir de sa filmographie : Sabata règle ses comptes, disponible en Allemagne. Il y est surprenant, dans le bon sens du terme
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010

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[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Ty Hardin

Message  Personne Jeu 20 Mai - 13:42

Ty, quand il mangeait encore des hamburgers!
[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Ty_hardinl

Ty, dans son titre de gloire aux côtés de Jeff Chandler dans Les Maraudeurs Attaquent de Samuel Fuller.

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Maraudeurs-attaquent-1962-13-g

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Cinemascope
Sergio Leone

Messages : 7061
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 56
Localisation : Lone Pine, CA

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[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Ty Hardin

Message  Trinita Jeu 20 Mai - 21:17

Tout à fait d'accord avec Sartana, un bon petit western que ce Sabata règle ces comptes. En plus le dvd allemand est plutôt beau. Very Happy
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6641
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 41
Localisation : Angers

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[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Ty Hardin

Message  Sancho Perez Dim 6 Aoû - 10:41

Il est décédé le 3 août dernier.
Sancho Perez
Sancho Perez
Sergio Sollima

Messages : 631
Date d'inscription : 01/04/2012

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[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Ty Hardin

Message  Rex Lee Mar 18 Juin - 11:49

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Vlcsn292
The Last Rebel

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Fernan11

Dis-donc, toi, tu sais que tu as la tête de quelqu’un qui vaut 2000 dollars?
Rex Lee
Rex Lee
Sergio Leone

Messages : 6438
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2010
Age : 68
Localisation : 19

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[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Ty Hardin

Message  old timer Ven 29 Mai - 8:50

A son actif également ce film anglo-italien d'aventures en Afrique du Sud... tourné en Espagne:

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Captur89

Caccia ai violenti / One step to Hell (1968) de Giovanni Scolaro et Sandy Howard


[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Captur93
[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Captur94

Film qui a l'air prometteur mais rigoureusement introuvable!
Seule la B.O. semble éditée aujourd'hui:

[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Captur92

old timer
Sergio Leone

Messages : 1897
Date d'inscription : 20/05/2010

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[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Empty RIP Ty Hardin (1930 – 2017)

Message  Tom Betts Ven 29 Mai - 13:36

Ty Hardin, Star of the TV Western 'Bronco,' Dies at 87

The Hollywood Reporter
By Mike Barnes

He also appeared in the films 'PT 109,' 'The Chapman Report,' 'Berserk' and in several European movies.

Ty Hardin, the hunky actor who starred as a former Confederate officer who wanders the Old West in the 1958-62 ABC series Bronco, has died. He was 87.

Hardin died Thursday in Huntington Beach, Calif. His wife, Carolyn Pampu Hardin, told the Associated Press that he had been "in failing health."

When Cheyenne star Clint Walker left his show in a contract dispute, executives at Warner Bros. cast Hardin as Bronco Layne to keep the series going. Hardin was given his own Western after Walker returned, and Bronco debuted in September 1958, sticking around for four seasons though April 1962.

Hardin also appeared in his most famous role in other TV Westerns from the Warner Bros. stable, including Maverick and Sugarfoot.

In films released in 1962, Hardin starred opposite Jeff Chandler in the Sam Fuller war movie Merrill's Marauders and was the object of Glynis Johns' affection in George Cukor's The Chapman Report.

He then appeared in such films as the JFK biopic PT 109 (1963), Wall of Noise (1963) — as a horse trainer opposite Suzanne Pleshette — Palm Springs Weekend (1963), Battle of the Bulge (1965), Custer of the West (1967) and, with Joan Crawford, Berserk (1967).
The 6-foot-2 Hardin also starred in several European films in the 1960s and '70s and for one season toplined his own Australian TV series, playing an American charter boat operator on Riptide.

Born Orison Whipple Hungerford in New York City on New Year's Day in 1930, Hardin was raised by his grandparents on a farm outside Austin, Texas. He served in the Korean War, then attended Texas A&M, where he played football for Coach Bear Bryant.

Hardin took a job with Douglas Aircraft in Santa Monica, and while at a costume rental company to prepare for a party, he was spotted by a talent scout. Paramount signed him and put him in the 1958 movies The Space Children, As Young as We Are, I Married a Monster From Outer Space and The Buccaneer.

By one count, Hardin was married eight times.


Tom Betts
Enzo G. Castellari

Messages : 340
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010

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[ Vedette ] Ty Hardin Empty Re: [ Vedette ] Ty Hardin

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